IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games
IQ Digits Puzzle Game - Smart Games

IQ Digits Puzzle Game

£12.99 /
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Taxes included
Crunch the numbers and make them fit!

If you're counting on a real challenge, IQ numbers has you covered! Can you place all the puzzle pieces on the game board and make sure the numbers add up? IQ Digits is a unique travel game featuring 120 challenges, from easy to expert.

Age: 7+
Challenges: 120

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